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How will you spend the NEXT twelve days?

American Lutheran Church

Christmastide begins December 25. Maybe more commonly known as “The 12 Days of Christmas”, this Christian season takes place from December 25 to January 5. These days mark the time between the birth of Jesus and the visit of the three wise men.

Of course, many of us are familiar with the song that was the theme of this year’s ALC collaborative Christmas service, which highlighted the talents of our Sunday School students, leaders, and assistants, along with our High School youth, adult choir, and the rest of our congregation. But are you familiar with the legend that suggests why this song was so appropriate for our Advent worship service?

According to legend, each of the gifts in the song represents something from the Bible:

  • JESUS CHRIST is represented by the Partridge in a Pear Tree

  • OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS are represented by the Two Turtle Doves

  • Faith, Hope, and Love or the trinity: FATHER, SON, AND HOLY GHOST is representated with Three French Hens

  • THE FOUR GOSPELS are represented by Four Calling Birds equals

  • THE TORAH (the first five books of the Old Testament) are represented by Five Golden Rings

  • THE SIX DAYS OF CREATION are represented by Six Geese-A-Layin’

  • THE SEVEN GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT are represented by Seven Swans-A-Swimmin’

  • THE EIGHT BEATITUDES are represented by Eight Maids-A-Milkin’

  • THE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT are represented by Nine Ladies Dancing

  • The TEN COMMANDMENTS are represented by Ten Lords-A-Leapin’

  • ELEVEN APOSTLES (not Judas) are represented by Eleven Pipers Piping

  • TWELVE POINTS OF BELIEF in the APOSTLE’S CREED are represented by Twelve Drummers Drumming

Okay, now we know that Christmas isn’t the end of Advent, but the beginning of Christmastide and we have twelve more days to celebrate … how should we do that???

It needn’t be stressful or add more burden to what may have already been a hectic activity-filled season. As you move forward, try any of the following:

  1. Spread out gift-giving over all 12 days, not just Christmas morning.

  2. Throw your holiday party during the 12 days of Christmas, instead of before the 25th

  3. Celebrate each feast that falls during the 12 days of Christmas *

  4. Read Scripture every day*

  5. Sing your favorite carols or take this opportunity to learn new ones and research their meaning.

  6. Choose a special table prayer and add in a candle-lighting ritual that you and your family can do together. – This is probably the best suggestion of all … Celebrate our Lord as a family!


To celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas (Christmastide) in your home, try doing these three things:

Give a gift every day. You don’t need to buy special gifts for this, instead just spread out all of the Christmas gifts over 12 days. If you don’t have enough gifts try filling in with “coupons” for special activities like “stay in your jammies and watch cartoons all morning”, “go to the bookstore and choose a book”, “stay up late to watch a movie”, etc. You get the idea!

Read Scripture every day. Read the Scripture that coordinates with the meaning of the 12 Days of Christmas song

Participate in a family activity. The activity is different every day. Some days it’s drink hot chocolate and watch a movie, it might be bake and decorate cookies, or even play board games. The possibilities are endless – see the list below for more ideas.

Use this guide for your daily scripture reading during Christmastide:

  • DAY 1: Isaiah 53 – Prophesy of Jesus

  • DAY 2: Choose an Epistle to read – the second day represents The Old & New Testaments, the Law & Gospel, and the Epistle’s sum these up beautifully. Choose your favorite Epistle (or just one or two chapters) to read aloud.

  • DAY 3: 1 Corinthians 13 – A beautiful depiction of love, the third day of Christmas is faith hope and love; you might also read through The Nicene Creed for the 3rd day which could also represent the Trinity.

  • DAY 4: Choose a Gospel to read through (or part of one)- The fourth day of Christmas which represents The Four Gospels.

  • DAY 5: The Ten Commandments – the fifth day of Christmas represents The Torah or The Law, and The Ten Commandments is the summary.

  • DAY 6: Genesis 1 – The six days of creation for the sixth day of Christmas.

  • DAY 7: 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 – The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.

  • DAY 8: The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-10) – The eight beatitudes represent the eight maids-a-milking for the eighth day of Christmas.

  • DAY 9: Galations 5:16-26 – Learn about the nine fruit of the Holy Spirit for the ninth Day of Christmas.

  • DAY 10: The Ten Commandments – Read the explanation of the Ten Commandments in Luther’s Small Catechism – the Ten Commandments represent the tenth day of Christmas.

  • DAY 11: Matthew 10- Read the names of the Apostles and when Jesus sends them out – The 11th day of Christmas represents the 11 original apostles, less Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus Christ.

  • DAY 12: Read through the Apostle’s Creed – The 12th day of Christmas represents the 12 points of faith in the Apostle’s Creed.


  • December 25: The Birth of our Lord

  • December 26: The Feast of Stephen

  • December 27 : The Feast of Saint John

  • December 28: Remembrance of the Holy Innocents of Bethlehem

  • December 31: Eve of the Circumcision and Name of Jesus

  • January 1: The Circumcision and Name of Jesus

  • January 6: The Epiphany of Our Lord


THE LUTHERAN WITNESS, “The 12 Days of Christmas: Unwrapping the Gifts,” by Terence Maher | December 1, 2010

LIVING LUTHERAN, “What are the 12 Days of Christmas,” by Cory Driver | December 27, 2021

THE FAITHFUL HOME SCHOOL, “The 12 DAys of Christmas - how to bring it to life in your home,” by Solus Christus | December 21, 2022

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American Lutheran Church is a place to find and know God and his amazing love. Located in La Porte City, IA, We are a group of friendly and down-to-earth people of all ages. If you visit, you can expect to be warmly welcomed. We gather to hear about God's love for us and all people shown in God's son, Jesus.




(319) 342-2852


801 Monroe Street

La Porte City, Iowa 50651






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