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Prayers of Intercession: Sunday, August 4

Calling on the spirit of Wisdom to guide our hearts and our minds, let us pray for the church, the world, and all in need.

A brief silence.

O Wise One, your wisdom has been present in this world since its beginning. Pour out your wisdom into the hearts of the whole church, especially the newly baptized, lay leaders, deacons, pastors, and bishops. Merciful God,

receive our prayer.

Holy God of all creation, you are the source of all life. Where the sun blazes hard and strong, bring a gentle breeze. In the places experiencing the cold of winter, bring your warmth. Merciful God,

receive our prayer.

Compassionate God, help government leaders of this world unite for peace and justice. Humble all who hold authority, that power is directed toward a more just society. Merciful God,

receive our prayer.

Bread of life from heaven, you feed us. Fill all who hunger with needed nutrition and open our hearts to eliminate hunger in this world. May we see a day when all are fed. Merciful God,

receive our prayer.

O Wisdom of truth, help us to understand your will for the church. Be with congregations experiencing transition, redevelopment, and the exciting yet frightening path of newness. May your wisdom be found at every step. Merciful God,

receive our prayer.

O healing God, you open wide your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. We remember any who are sick or suffering (especially for Marc, Frankie, Larry, Jan, Caleb, and Carol). Merciful God

receive our prayer.

Redeeming God, we give you thanks for the lives and witness of your saints now departed (especially those you hold in your heart). Bring your beloved into eternal glory, opening wide the gates to the heavenly banquet. Merciful God,

receive our prayer.

We lift up these prayers to you, gracious God. Receive them into your holy keeping.


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