As we prepare for Emmanuel, God-with-us, let us pray for all people and places that long for God’s presence.
A brief silence.
God who reforms, fill your church with courage to do your will. Empower your people in taking risks that bear fruit. Raise up leaders who will proclaim the good news. Lord, in your mercy,
Receive our prayer.
God who creates, you hold in balance diverse ecosystems. Encourage efforts to protect wild lands from devastation. Care for animals and people in the path of destructive fires, storms, and other disasters. Lord, in your mercy,
Receive our prayer.
God who leads, this world cries out for true justice. Guide legislatures, judges, and lawyers in actions steeped in love and restoration. Increase the desire to advocate for all who are confronted with discrimination and oppression based on race, gender, sexuality, class, or age. Lord, in your mercy
Receive our prayer.
God who embraces, help us notice the places where your people are hurting or sick. (We pray especially for Marc, Larry, Caleb, Joan, and Carol). Show your compassion and remember your people in love. Lord, in your mercy,
Receive our prayer.
God who abides, you dwell among the people of this congregation. Deepen our relationships with one another, and make us aware of the diverse talents and gifts present here (especially Sunday School, Luther League, after church fellowship, Lenten soup suppers). Lord, in your mercy,
Receive our prayer.
God who consoles, we thank you for the time we have had with loved ones who have died. Comfort us with the promise of everlasting life in you. Lord, in your mercy,
Receive our prayer.
Savior of the nations, come, and receive these prayers and the pleas of our hearts, in the name of Jesus Christ.