Rooted in God’s abundant love for the world, let us pray for our neighbors, the church, and all of creation.
A brief silence.
O God of resurrection, you call us by name and raise us to life. Rouse your church from slumber. Where we have held back in fear or shame, unbind us. Embolden us in our proclamation of your good news, that all may know abundant life. Merciful God,
Hear our prayer.
O God of creation, you have founded your world on rivers and seas. Preserve fresh water sources and the creatures who call them home. Heal places of pollution and nourish places of drought. Merciful God,
Hear our prayer.
O God of the earth, you reign over all nations and peoples. Inspire us with wisdom and discernment as we elect legislators and leaders. May they govern with justice and uphold the dignity of all people. Merciful God,
Hear our prayer.
O God of heaven, you make your home among mortals. Come alongside those who weep this day. Befriend all who are lonely, encourage those in despair, and heal any who are suffering (especially for Marc, Frankie, Larry, Caleb, Joan, and Carol). Abide with your faithful ones in love. Merciful God,
Hear our prayer.
O God who serves, you set before us a feast of rich food. Sustain our ministries of fellowship and hospitality. Strengthen the hands and hearts of all who prepare and serve food for our nourishment. Merciful God,
Hear our prayer.
O God, Alpha and Omega, we give thanks for your faithful ones who are now at peace with you (Katie Craft, Monie Boeckmann, Gavin Rohrbach, and Jim Jensson). With (Martín de Porres and) all your saints, we praise you, for you have swallowed up death forever. Merciful God,
Hear our prayer.
We offer our prayers to you, gracious God, trusting in your boundless love for all that you have made, through Jesus Christ our Savior.