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American Lutheran Church

Prayers of Intercession: Sunday, October 20

Challenged by God’s Word in Christ, let us pray for the church, the world, and the whole creation.

A brief silence.

Holy One, we give thanks for all servant leaders of the church. Bless bishops, pastors, and deacons with humble wisdom and ground them in your love. God of grace,

Hear our prayer.

Creative One, we give thanks for the delicate balance of the natural world. Kindle in us a spirit of caring strength in the preservation of habitats, food availability, and centers of refuge, that all wildlife may thrive. God of grace,

Hear our prayer.

Empowering One, fill the leaders of governments with a spirit of service that prioritizes those on the margins due to job loss, underemployment, unsafe working conditions, and immigration status. May economic equity be achieved for all people. God of grace,

Hear our prayer.

Restoring One, send your angels to watch over, rescue, and protect those who are injured or ill. Nurse those who suffer hardship, disease, injury, or difficulty with your comfort and peace (especially for Marc, Frankie, Larry, Caleb, Joan, and Carol). God of grace,

Hear our prayer.

Abiding One, you call pastors to shepherd the congregation toward faithful living as servants and followers of Jesus. Inspire all ordained ministers and seminarians (local clergy or seminarians may be named) to ministry that challenges, engages, and comforts those in their care. God of grace,

Hear our prayer.

Saving One, we give thanks for the disciples James and John and all saints who have faithfully served you. We rejoice in a promised place at the feast of victory that we receive by your grace alone. God of grace,

Hear our prayer.

Into your hands, O God, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in the saving grace you freely give, both now and forever.


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