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Prayers of Intercession: Sunday, October 6

Challenged by God’s Word in Christ, let us pray for the church, the world, and the whole creation.

A brief silence.

God of our ancestors, we give thanks for the church in all times. May we listen for the prophets of this age who bear messages that stir the church toward renewal and justice. God of grace,

Hear our prayer.

Creator of every creature on earth, direct our lives toward the renewal and sustaining of cattle, birds of the air, animals of the field, and those who share our homes. Reveal the ways we can work alongside creation for the health and well-being of all. God of grace,

Hear our prayer.

Sovereign God, we give thanks that you are mindful and benevolent to even us, mere mortals. Accompany us when hardness of heart gets in the way of justice between people and nations. Endow leaders with minds for justice and hearts for compassion. God of grace,

Hear our prayer.

Restoring Lord, grant healing and wholeness to those who are sick and suffering (especially for Marc, Frankie, Larry, Caleb, Joan and Carol). Work through medical professionals to diagnose, ease pain, and give life to all who seek their wisdom and experience. God of grace,

Hear our prayer.

Unifying God, humans were created for relationship with the earth, its creatures, and one another. Forgive us when division threatens companionship, mutual support, and unity among us. May your love inspire us to build supportive communities of faith where all are cherished. God of grace,

Hear our prayer.

God of resurrection, you prepare a place in the kingdom through Christ’s death and resurrection. We give thanks for the saints who have taken their place at your heavenly banquet (especially William Tyndale, translator and martyr, whom we commemorate today). God of grace,

Hear our prayer.

Into your hands, O God, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in the saving grace you freely give, both now and forever.


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