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"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”


— 1 PETER 4 : 10

Each week there are volunteer opportunities to serve our congregation during Sunday worship services. Consider volunteering as your schedule allows. Use the links below to learn more about each role and access the digital sign-up sheets. You may also reach out to our church secretary with questions by phone at (319) 342-2852 or by email at for additional information. 


**You are also fellowship hosts after church for the week you usher.




ARRIVE  15-20 minutes before worship begins.


HAND OUT BULLETINS & GREET GUESTS at both sanctuary entrances. (Bulletins should be set out on the pew just inside the sanctuary doors.) Offer to help visitors or late arrivals.  On Special Sundays, you will also hand out candles, palms, etc.




COLLECT THE OFFERING at the appropriate time during the service.  Walk up the center aisle to receive the plates from Pastor.  You’ll need 2 people in the center aisle, and two people on the outside aisle (can use acolytes in this spot but be sure to let them know.) Remember guests seated in the balcony.  The offering is brought back up the center aisle when the musician finishes his/her selection.  Pastor will usually motion for the congregation to rise.  Bring plates forward as the congregation sings.


COMMUNION DISTRIBUTION. Direct parishioners forward to receive communion from the center aisle.  There are 2 communion stations at the front of the church.  Pulpit & lectern sides commune from their respective stations. 


COUNT WORSHIPPERS. Remember: Everyone counts! Count children, babies, those leading worship, & yourselves.  (Don’t forget the balcony) You can do this anytime in the service. You can go up to the balcony and count from there.   Write the number down in the book in the ushers’ drawer in the built-in cupboard in the narthex.




AFTER WORSHIP OR BEFORE LEAVING pick up bulletins left in pews and straighten hymnals in the pew racks.


ACOLYTES will take care of candle lighting and extinguishing during the school year.  In the summer months, ushers are asked to light candles sometime before the service begins.  The lighter should be in the ushers’ drawer.  The acolyte candle lighter with bell snuffer is hanging on the steps of the balcony.  Remember to see that all candles are extinguished after worship.




IN CASE YOU’RE UNABLE TO BE PRESENT on a Sunday you have agreed to usher, please arrange for a substitute and let the church office (319) 342-2852 know.




Please be at church 15 minutes before worship begins.


GOLD ACOLYTE CANDLE LIGHTER WITH BELL SNUFFER is hanging on the steps to the balcony. A lighter is in the drawer of the built-in cabinet in the entryway.


CHECK THE WICK ON THE CANDLE LIGHTER to make sure that it works and there is enough to light the candles. If you need a new wick they are in a cabinet in the sacristy. Ask an usher for help if needed.




WHEN THE SERVICE STARTS walk down the center aisle on the first hymn and light the two candles in front. If there is a baptism, you also need to light the baptismal candle. Sit in the front pew on the pulpit side of the church. (During Advent, be sure to light the correct color and number of candles on the advent wreath.)


DURING THE OFFERING you will normally help on the two outside aisles. The ushers will come down the center and take the plates. Ushers will give a plate to the people from the center; you should stay on the outside, receive that plate and give it to the person in the next row.


DURING THE LAST HYMN extinguish the candles. Use the candle snuffer (don’t blow them out) and go down the center aisle together.




IN CASE YOU ARE UNABLE TO BE PRESENT on the Sunday you agreed to acolyte, you are expected to arrange for a substitute. Please call the office if you are unable to find a substitute. (319)342-2852


**Volunteer duties for reading lessons during worship.




READ the first reading, Psalm, & second reading at the appropriate place during the

service. Use the lectern, which is the smaller of the two podiums at the front of the

church. Remember to adjust the microphone for your height. There is an extra step you may pull out if you don’t feel tall enough. There is also a reading light you may turn on.

The switch is on the cord.


If you would like to see the readings before Sunday morning, call or email the church office. (319) 342-2852 or


Each time we have communion, there should be three (3) volunteers, two (2) to distribute the wine and one (1) to distribute the bread along with Pastor. A runner may be needed to resupply the servers if there is a large attendance.




As a communion server, you will come forward when Pastor is uncovering the elements. Pick up your tray (wine or bread) and proceed down the steps and line up with Pastor. Pastor and the other bread server will be in the middle. Wine servers should be 3-4 feet distance on either side of Pastor and his helper. Wine Servers are to say as each communicant takes a cup “The blood of Christ shed for you”. Baskets for used cups will be on flower stands which will be placed one by the piano and one beside the pulpit. Ushers will guide the congregation in two lines down the center aisle. Bread servers are to say “the body of Christ, given for you” to each communicant as a wafer is placed in their hand and bless children & babies by placing (left or right) hand on them and say “You are child of God, Grace and Peace to you”


Bob Burkgren will normally let Pastor know if someone needs to be served communion in their seat or at the back of the church. If so, Pastor and one wine server will go serve them and all other servers will go up by alter. Pastor will serve communion to his helpers, then one of the helpers will serve Pastor. Pastor will cover the communion ware on the alter while the servers return to their seats.


In the case you’re unable to be present on the Sunday you have agreed to help with communion, you are expected to arrange for a substitute. Please call the church office at (319) 342-2852 if you are unable to find a substitute.


**You are also an usher during worship for the week you volunteer for this role.



  • Coffee and filters are in the lazy susan to the right.

    • big coffee urn is in the bottom cupboard between the refrigerators.


  • Use the 40-cup silver Hamilton Beach urn for Sunday morning fellowship.

    • 35 cups is usually sufficient

    • use small drip coffee makers for decaffeinated if needed.

  • Always start with cold water.

  • Make sure the stem of the coffee maker is firmly in the bottom hole.

  • Use large coffee filter in the filter basket. Create a hole in the center of the filter before adding coffee grounds.

  • 1-1/4 cups coffee grounds for a 40-cup pot

  • Allow 1/2-hour to 1 hour to perk (larger pot usually takes longer). Be sure to use the correct cord for the size of the coffee pot needed.

  • Cups are in the lower cupboard under the glasses cupboard.

  • Silverware is in the drawer in between. Put out a few spoons for cream & sugar.

  • Creamer & sugars are in the upper corner cabinet.

  • White carafes are in the bottom drawer under the window to fill and use to take around to the tables and offer refills of coffee as needed.



  • The juice is in the refrigerator – use the opened one first. Glasses are in the upper

cupboard next to the service window.

  • There are trays in the lower cupboard to the right of the small sink for ease in setting out glasses.



  • Someone will pick up and deliver Casey’s donuts. Cut them in half, if someone hasn’t

already done so, cut the lid off the box and serve from box.



  • Napkins are in the far-left drawer by the door. Put out wicker basket for donations.



  • Please do not put carafes in the dishwasher – They only need rinsed out.

  • Turn carafes upside down on a towel to dry naturally.

  • Dish towels are in the middle drawer to the left of the sink. When you are done with

  • Towels are to be left on the counter and someone will pick them up on Monday.

  • Wrap any donations in a napkin and deliver to the secretary’s office. Place in desk drawer on the right with the date written on the napkin.


American Lutheran Church is a place to find and know God and his amazing love. Located in La Porte City, IA, We are a group of friendly and down-to-earth people of all ages. If you visit, you can expect to be warmly welcomed. We gather to hear about God's love for us and all people shown in God's son, Jesus.








(319) 342-2852


801 Monroe Street

La Porte City, Iowa 50651








Thanks for submitting and staying in touch with our congregation!


  • La Porte City American Lutheran Church Facebook Page
  • La Porte City American Lutheran ChurchYouTube
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