Educating and building faith in our young people has always been a significant priority of American Lutheran Church. Thanks to the efforts and devotion of our pastors and many dedicated volunteers, the seeds of Christian faith are planted in our youth to grow with them throughout their lives.
Sunday School has been a part of the church since nearly the beginning. Many settings have been configured over the years to create instruction space. Members recall meeting in the basement of the old Legion; heavy curtains that sectioned off rooms in the basement of the first church; and spilling into nearly every room -- including setting chairs in circles around the beds – of the old parsonage on Pine Street. The annual Sunday School Christmas program is a memorable tradition that is enjoyed by the entire congregation.
The Cradle Roll has been a mission of the church women for many years. They create hand-stitched bookmarks for each new baby born in the church, and stay engaged with their families until they are old enough to start Sunday School.
Baptisms are a special time when parents commit their young children to Christ’s loving care and service. It is a joyous day for their families and the congregation alike.
Students currently are presented Bibles in 3rd grade and receive their first Holy Communion in 5th grade. Many of our youth also attend EWALU Bible Camp near Strawberry Point, which is supported by camperships from the church.
Vacation Bible School in the summer has been held by ALC for more than seven decades. In the early 2000s, it was switched from a daytime to evening activity. Since 2015, VBS has been an ecumenical community project, hosted in cooperation with Heartland Church and Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
Confirmation – the Affirmation of Baptism – has taken place at various ages over the years. In the church’s earlier days, Confirmation occurred at 11th grade. A previous tradition as a part of their preparation was the washing of the feet of the 8th graders at the Maundy Thursday service. Currently, students prepare for Confirmation in 7th and 8th grades, and are confirmed in the Fall of their 9th-grade year.
The Senior Luther League has been active for many decades, promoting social interaction among our teens and raising funds for their activities. These projects have included rummage sales, walking beans, raking leaves, car washes, labor auctions and an annual community omelet breakfast. Every three years, the high schoolers send a delegation to the ELCA National Youth Gathering with thousands of other Lutheran young people from across the country.
Our congregation is excited to offer Sunday School classes following worship services for all kids age two to grade six. The year typically begins in September following the Labor Day holiday and moves through the school year ending in mid-May. Our education hour begins at the end of worship around 10 am. Each week we explore a new Bible story as we explore the Old and New Testaments using materials from Spark: Activate Faith, activities and music.
Parents, each week we’ll send home a Family Page for you to explore that week’s Bible story together as a family. Use the buttons below to download a copy of this year's calendar and the registration form.
FUN! NEW FRIENDS! A FOCUS ON GOD! What wonderful experiences summer camp provides our kids. A lack of financial means should not deny youth members of our congregation the experience and benefits of attending the unique ministry opportunities provided by church camps each summer.
American Lutheran Church will reimburse up to half of the current year’s early bird registration cost to ALC congregation youth members who have registered to attend an eligible, religious ministry camp (ie: EWALU, Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp). Please note there is a limit of one (1) camp program per youth per year unless prior approval from Church Council has been obtained. Please provide a copy of your registration form, proof of payment, and a completed ALC Summer Camperships Application Form to the church office.